Friday, July 15, 2022

Legalism Dies Hard

Someone asked about what to think of the hard feelings she might have toward bad teaching/counsel from legal preachers this morning, and I thought maybe my answer might help someone else. Here it is...

I grew up in Fundamentalism, graduated from Bob Jones University and hated the legalism that poisoned so much of the teaching, yet it some of it clung to me for years into our marriage and parenting, church outlook, etc. Legalism dies hard, especially when it's reinforced in your community. The best way to combat it is to identify sound teachers and listen to them more and more, and turn off/leave teachers who reinforce legalism behind. Despite what the legalists tell you about your new beliefs, yourself, and sound churches, leaving them behind and exposing their errors is key, but you won't know error unless you're being reinforced in authentic, gospel-centered preaching that consistently points you to Christ outside of you and for you, rather than to your navel.
As far as hard feelings... They are natural and warranted when you've been deceived and led astray by bad teachers. You can feel those emotions without guilt. It is right to be angry and sin not. It is right to shed light on what is wrong. It is right to move on and to seek leaders who point you to Christ, and *if you've sinned, you have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. You can be honest with Him about those things. But please hear me say, you are not sinning by knowing and feeling that something was very wrong.

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Assurance Found Only In Christ: Horatius Bonar

"I am not satisfied with my faith," says one. No, of course, you aren’t; nor will you ever be; at least, I hope not! The Bible does not say, "Therefore, being SATISFIED with our faith, we have peace with God" it says, "being JUSTIFIED by faith, we have peace with God." "I am not satisfied with my repentance." That is wonderful! What would you do with your repentance if you were satisfied with it? Would you bring it to God instead of the blood? Oh, what pride and self-righteousness must be in any person who is satisfied with his repentance and faith! That person could never find true peace, for such a refuge of lies must fall. 

"I am not satisfied with my love." What? Did you expect, on this earth, to be satisfied with any grace found in you? Was it your love for Christ or His love for you that gave you peace at first? There is but one thing with which Almighty God is satisfied--entirely satisfied--and that is the person and work of His Son. It is with Christ that we must be satisfied, NOT with ourselves nor anything about us! When we cease from our labors and ALL of our righteousness and enter into HIS rest, pardon and peace will come without delay.