Monday, February 19, 2018

The Slums of Heaven

Last night my husband was remembering the religion of his youth: How he was never given assurance of his salvation, but taught that, at the judgment, all of his life: every thought, word, and deed would be on display and aired as if on big screen for all to see, in one great moment of dread, fear, regret, humiliation, and anticipation of the verdict. As others awaited their crowns... their mansions for all their diligent pursuit of holiness and all those spiritual conquests, what would be his reward? Would he end up in the slums… the slums of heaven?

My friends, if this is the kind message you've heard or the kind of preaching you hear, please switch churches, teachers or podcasts. This is not the message that a blood-bought child of God needs or should want to hear. Completely contradictory to the victory that is found in Christ, alone, this is a message of doubt, despair and terror.

How does the Apostle Paul refresh and comfort the Christian? For there is now NO condemnation for them that are in Christ Jesus. …What shall separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus? …No creature. Not even you, yourself. (Romans 8.)

The Prince of Preachers put it beautifully: “When God accepts a sinner, He is, in fact, only accepting Christ. He looks into the sinner's eyes
, and He sees His own dear Son's image there, and He takes him in. ~CH Spurgeon

If “It is finished,” if Christ has won the victory on our behalf, if His righteousness has been imputed to us and His blood has separated our sins from us as far as East is from West, then we have no need to despair his anger in this life, or his vindication against us in the life to come, not even for a minute.

There will be no slums or slum dogs in heaven; only princes: Beloved children of the King.

Best sermons unraveling the faulty thinking about Judgement Day in the evangelical church: 

Dr. John Fonville: Paramount Church. Sermon begins around min. 32, here:

See also What Can I Expect When Jesus Returns? // Paramount Church // June 20, 2021: John Fonville:

Friday, February 16, 2018

Give Her Jesus, Johnny Mac

My response to John MacArthur's assurance video:

So many people lack assurance and are so lacking in real understanding of union with Christ, that they are sinking in pit of spiritual depression with no known remedy.
If you fail to see the problem in this scenario, perhaps you have not yet understood where our true assurance comes from, or understood justification and Christ's benefits to you. Assurance comes from looking to Christ. It will never come from endless looking inward.
This segment was beginning to end with one woman. The entire seven minute segment was her question and his answer. He spent very little time pointing her to the work of Christ on her behalf. He pointed her *inward. He pointed her to her own fruit.
Here is how he "encouraged" this dear despairing woman, largely pointing to her fruit, obedience, love and other inward qualities as the assurance of her salvation. Please don't glaze over "you" statements, because you are hearing biblical language. This is how he assures her:
1. you are asking these questions,  therefore God is working in your heart
2. you are looking to Him for salvation
3. you are here (at this Q&A)
4. you are sweet and honest
5. the way you know you are saved is by your desire to know
6. your desire to be known
7. your desire to love Him
8. your desire to honor Him
9. your desire to obey His Word
(...talks about Paul as our example of a supreme Christian; Romans ch 7 wretched man explained. Principle of needing grace.)
10. your cry is evidence
11. you recognize you're not everything you should be
12. you are dependent on God and the Holy Spirit.
13. It (assurance) is about direction, affection and love
14. He accepts us *if we love Him and He calls us to love Him more
15. don't evaluate salvation based on failures
16. assess salvation by your desires
17. reaffirms, she is there, and assures her of her salvation based on that.
18. your love and obedience reaffirmed as evidence of that which gives *the most assurance.

He never points to Christ's active or passive obedience, the satisfaction of His atonement and ongoing intercession as the basis for her salvation. That is a huge misstep. This is you/self-focused, not gospel-centered. My heart goes out to this young lady. Unless she finds her assurance in Christ, she will be perpetually exhausted and despairing. Grace to You? GIVE HER JESUS, JOHNNY MAC. Notice how the Heidelberg, in contrast, provides assurance based on the working of the Triune God, first for, then in us. It shows us a better way:
Q&A 1. Q. What is your only comfort in life and in death? A. That I am not my own,. but belong with body and soul,. both in life and in death, to my faithful Saviour Jesus Christ. He has fully paid for all my sins. with his precious blood,. and has set me free. from all the power of the devil. He also preserves me in such a way. that without the will of my heavenly Father not a hair can fall from my head; indeed, all things must work together for my salvation. Therefore, by his Holy Spirit he also assures me of eternal life and makes me heartily willing and ready from now on to live for him.

As R. Scott Clark states, "Believers are what they are by God’s grace and his promise is as sure as God is immoveable and faithful. We should not ask whether we are good enough (we are not) or whether we might fall (we shall) but whether God is faithful (he is) and whether he has sealed his promises with Christ’s obedient life, bloody death, and resurrection (he has), and whether we believe: by God’s grace we do." The unshakable foundation of faith in Christ: that is Christ alone, is the basis of our salvation and assurance.

If you are struggling to find assurance of your salvation, listen to "How Do I Know I'm Saved" by Dr. John Fonville at

Gospel Gal Intro and Statement of Purpose

I am Marissa Namirr, Gospel Gal. I live and work in North Florida and the Atlanta Suburbs (updated 7/16/2022). I am the wife of Mark, m...