Wednesday, July 26, 2017

An Excellent Wife Who Can Find? Reconsidering Proverbs 31

An Excellent Wife Who Can Find? Reconsidering Proverbs 31

As I look at Proverbs I read a loud, clear message calling me to Godly Wisdom. Wisdom is personified in Proverbs, although addressed with the feminine pronoun, "she," reveals attributes of God, specifically in Jesus Christ. Jesus is Wisdom personified.

But as I turn to chapter 31, the focus shifts from Wisdom, to a woman: and a wife, a very admirable one, and one that many of us have been taught to emulate since youth. But what an example, and what a to-do list! And although I have grasped for it, I have never lived up to her standard.

She is highly valued (v. 10), trustworthy (v. 11), faithful (v. 12);
She is tireless and industrious (vv. 15,18); she is generous (v.19); she brings honor to her husband (v.23); provides and is concerned with the best interest of her household (v. 27); and she has a reputation and history of honor herself (vv. 29-31). 

Reading through, I become aware of my failings to my husband, family, community, and
mostly to the Lord. And then I reach for my gospel lenses: Those "cheaters" that bring the gospel back into focus, and I hope again. The good news is that although I have never kept in step with the Proverbs 31 woman, Jesus did in my place.  

He is highly valued (Matt. 3:17), trustworthy and faithful (Rev. 19:11); H
e is tireless and industrious (John 8:29); He is generous (Matt. 14:19-20); He brings honor to His Father (John 14:13); provides and is concerned with the best interest of his household (John 10), and He has a reputation and history of honor himself (Rev 5:12).

Although I may struggle and fail to measure up to the standard of Proverbs 31, Jesus has never failed. He is the fullness for all my failures. He has satisfied the Father by giving His life for me. He is conforming me to His own image by giving us His Spirit, sanctifying me by His Word, ever living to make intercession for me. And He will one day present me, as part of that spotless bride to His Father, fully glorified.

This is our hope and our confidence: An Excellent Wife Who Can Find? We will be that bride because of what Jesus has done, is doing, and will do for us and in us.
"Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish."  Ephesians 5

1 comment:

  1. Where we inevitably fall so short, Your grace is more than enough, You oh Lord are perfect and have accomplished all that we are unable to, and we can now rest in knowing the we are fully pleasing to our Heavenly Father because You are fully pleasing to Him. Glorify Yourself in our lives, may we be and do because of who You are and what You have already done for us.
