Saturday, July 22, 2017

Gospel Gal Intro and Statement of Purpose

I am Marissa Namirr, Gospel Gal.

I live and work in North Florida and the Atlanta Suburbs (updated 7/16/2022).

I am the wife of Mark, mother of Marielle (30), Morgan (27) and Meredith (22), and grandmother of Violet Elizabeth, due late summer of 2022.

I am a member of a Reformation Anglican church in North Florida, where we will reside as soon as our home there is completed, Lord willing.

I am a licensed counselor, advocate for abused individuals, and a Bible study facilitator/mentor for an online community and for the women of our church.

My passion is helping other weary sinners find rest and peace in Christ.

I created the Gospel Gal blog in 2017 and Church Chats with Gospel Gal podcast in 2020.

Gospel Gal is a Gospel-focused blog for sinners, like you and me, who are weary and heavy-laden.

Jesus promises that all those who come to Him, will find rest. So, let us labor to enter into that rest.

Why is it labor? Because our default is to resist resting, attempting to work to gain God's approval. Adam did so in the Garden after he fell. Although he was created perfect, in a perfect environment, in perfect relationship to all creation and to God, he chose to rebel, and to die along with his posterity. Being aware of His guilt and shame, he attempted to cover himself with fig leaves. ...Just as we all do, when we try to work for our salvation or favor with God. But it was no good. God came, found Adam in his nakedness, and slaughtered an animal, representing a covering for Adam's sin, and representing a promise.

In the Garden, God promised Adam and Eve, that Eve's Descendant would crush the serpent's head, the serpent who had deceived her into doing what God had forbidden. That Descendant was the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lamb that takes away the sin of the world. 

The Apostle reminds us of what this promised Serpent Crusher, Jesus Christ accomplished. He says in his first letter to the Corinthians,

For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures

He really did fulfill the promise to our first, fallen parents. He really did live righteously in our place, receive the full wrath of God that we deserved, died, receiving the curse for us, and was buried. Then, because His sacrifice satisfied for all our sin, rose again in accordance with all Old Testament Scripture. This verifed that His once for all sacrifice was well-pleasing to God the Father. Now have peace with God and can rest in all these good works… not ours’ but Christ’s. So, join us as we share the message of rest and peace in Jesus at Gospel Gal and Church Chats.  

Joy Dudley, contributor to Gospel Gal blog and cohost of Gospel Gal's podcast (YouTube channel), "I joined the GospelGal blog as a contributor in 2020. I met Marissa in the wonderful world of social media, getting to know her more intimately in an online prayer group as well as a catechism review group that she was leading.  I quickly found that we were very much like-minded in our passion to elevate the sufficiency of Christ in the Gospel in daily living, specifically for the weary and struggling believer. When she asked me to be a contributor, I couldn’t resist! I am so excited to work with her in bringing the message of the Gospel to all who will hear. I am currently a member of a URCNA congregation that also emphasizes the sufficiency of Christ in the Gospel for the believer. "Christ For You" are three of the most precious words that we can hear, especially when we are struggling with our sin and misery while living in a fallen world. I hope to show through our content that the Gospel really is for you to enjoy! I know many Christians have struggled as I have with the assurance of God’s underlying disposition towards them. My hope is that through GospelGal, you can see the immeasurable riches of God’s kindness through the knowledge of Jesus Christ in the Gospel. I pray that those who read and interact with Gospel Gal, would be eternally assured of Christ’s kindness in the Gospel."

Follow us on social media at: 
🌷 Facebook: Church Chats with Gospel Gal: 
                  Marissa's personal Fb profile:
🌷 Twitter: 
Gospel Gal
🌷 Instagram: Gospel Gals:  gospelgallg
🌷 Youtube: Marissa:

And here is our You Tube Intro:    SUBSCRIBE! 
This blog was created by Marissa Gospel Gal Namirr in July of 2017. 

Joy Dudley joined as a contributor to the Blog in 2020. 


  1. Thanks Jennifer! Solus Christus! Soli Deo Gloria!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Ludwigg! Solus Christus! Soli Deo Gloria!

  3. Amen! May we always labor to REST in Him. What freedom and refreshment to the soul! Rest is the very fuel for our duties, transforming them into a delight instead of a burden, being empowered to labor in love because we are so loved by God!
