Sunday, July 30, 2017

Gospel-Driven Pure Religion

Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction... James 1:27

The church being instructed by James is a called out, blood-bought body who is made new, with a new heart: new passions, new thoughts, new desires, being risen with Christ. And being so called and so recreated they are to find, by the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit a new compassion for the downcast and oppressed in their society. Widows and orphans were the very oppressed and downcast of their society, who had spiritual and tangible needs to be met by the called out, recreated church.

Calvin states, "
James then teaches us that religion is not to be estimated by the pomp of ceremonies; but that there are important duties to which the servants of God ought to attend.
To visit in necessity is to extend a helping hand to alleviate such as are in distress. And as there are many others whom the Lord bids us to succor, in mentioning widows and orphans, he states a part for the whole. There is then no doubt but that under one particular thing he recommends to us every act of love, as though he had said, 'Let him who would be deemed religious, prove himself to be such by self denial and by mercy and benevolence towards his neighbors.'"

"...extend a helping hand to alleviate such as are in distress."  Who are those in distress in your community? Here are some considerations about mine...
According to Guttmacher, "Abortion is one of the safest surgical procedures for women in the United States." 
...Unless, of course, you're considering the developing woman, who has been burned alive and/or dismembered in her mother's womb in a sterile, clinical environment.

"In 2014, some 33,000 abortions were provided in Georgia..." 
"There were 28 abortion-providing facilities in Georgia in 2014, and 17 of those were clinics." 
I wonder if there are 28 churches in Georgia to man the 28 facilities, to plead for the lives of the 33,000 our most "distressed" neighbors awaiting slaughter this coming year. And I wonder if there are 28 evangelists from those churches who would be willing to bring the Law and Gospel to those swift to shed innocent blood.

As the called out recreated church, those purchased by the precious blood of Jesus, let us remember Proverbs 24:11&12:
Rescue those who are being taken away to death;
    hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter.
12 If you say, “Behold, we did not know this,”
    does not he who weighs the heart perceive it?

What would the Lord have us do? How pure is our religion? How can we rescue those who are in distress in the society where we live? 

Statistics from:
The Guttmacher Institute: a leading research and policy organization committed to advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights in the United States and globally.

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