Friday, August 4, 2017

My Rescuer

Tonight, I'm thinking about my Rescuer, and I hope you are too.

Once I was in a valley...A pit of muck and miry clay, of self-absorption, selfishness, and self-destruction. I became spiritually depressed, despondent and craved nothing more than death. I was crying out to God with no words, because when the words would come, they seemed to dissipate or evaporate into the air, rather than reaching His ears. 

I was there for three years. But I have since learned, that even in the darkness, He was there. In spite of my desperate attempts to flee from Him, He never let me go. The long leash He gave me, only served to prove that the world outside of His presence is a horrible and terrifying place.  And finally, my not so patient waiting, ended with Him coming to the rescue. My time of marinating in the miry clay was over, and He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure.

This Rescuer is the Lover of my Soul. He showed Himself to be faithful in spite of my faithlessness, loving in spite of my lovelessness, gracious in spite of my gracelesness, and strong in spite of my weakness. And I can't praise Him enough. I can't think of Him enough. I can't boast about Him enough. He lived for me. He died for me. He rescued me. And He ever lives to make intercession for me.

And so I will encourage you tonight, in the words of an old Puritan, "... I beseech you set your souls upon HIM. Methinks such an object as here represented should compel love from the coldest and hardest heart. Away with this vain deceitful world, which deserves not the thousandth part of the love you give it; let all stand aside and give way to Christ. O did you but know His worth and excellency, what he is in himself, what he has done for and deserved from you, you would need no arguments of mine to persuade you to love him."  ~John Flavel 

What has He done for you? Meditate on Him and your heart will fill to overflowing. 


  1. Amen! What a beautiful testimony of the love and grace and mercy and goodness of God. He rescues us when we are so weak! We are unable but He is able to deliver us from the darkest and deepest hell. He is faithful, SO faithful! Glory be to God!

    1. Yes and amen, Gayane! And because of His great love, may we love Him more and more!
