Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Proclaiming Jesus: Encouragement and Resources

Proclaiming Jesus: Encouragement and Resources

Why proclaim Jesus? 

1. Jesus commanded His disciples to do so. (Matthew 28)
During the course of their lives in Christ, His disciples are all called upon to share their faith. There is no such thing as a Christian who is not a missionary.  We share our faith, because we are commanded to; not for our own merit, but to glorify the Father, as salt and light in the world. As a result of the love He has shed abroad in our hearts, we love. We love Him, because He first loved us, and love expresses itself in words and deeds. When we love someone, we naturally talk about them...even boast about them.

2. Sinners need to hear the gospel.
Jesus' mission statement is stated in the Gospels. His very name means, He shall save His people from their sins. Romans 10 presents some very pointed questions:
"But how can they call on Him they have not believed in? And how can they believe without hearing about Him? And how can they hear without a preacher?" The gospel is the power of God unto salvation. His people must hear it, to believe it.

3. By the advancement of His message, Christ will build His church.
As believers call the lost to hear and believe the gospel, He is believed upon in the world, and the church expands. Disciple making begins with the proclamation of Christ.

If you ever wonder what your purpose in life is, Christian, take note of 1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His possession, so **that you may proclaim the praises of the One who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.** (HCSB)

What a joy to be able to proclaim our Great Savior, Who brought us out of darkness, out of our bondage to sin, protected and secured from the wrath of God. And now we, instead  have  fellowship the OUR FATHER, in Heaven, and the Triune God, all because of the work of Jesus for us!

There is no time wasted that is spent in proclaiming Jesus. Take your opportunities, and make them. His Word will not return void.

How can we become involved in telling others about Jesus? 

Various ways:
1. We can invite others to visit with us at a Biblical church. (See: 
http://www.ligonier.org/learn/articles/the-marks-of-the-church/ ) Discuss the sermon after. 
2. We can make conversation, showing an interest in what concerns our neighbors, and pointing to Jesus, Who is concerned for His sheep.
3. We can hand out gospel messages in our communities and in our travels.
4. Get involved in open air evangelism. Go with others who are more seasoned, to outreaches.

What is the Gospel? Julius J Kim: Westminster West: Youtube video: (***Before you begin sharing the gospel, be sure you understand what it is and what it is not.) 


Tracts I have written for Gospel Tract Planet:
1. A New Heart: http://www.tractplanet.com/A-New-Heart_p_194.html
The Bad News and Good News:  http://www.tractplanet.com/Bad-News-Good-News_p_19.html
3. Making the Grade: http://www.tractplanet.com/Custom-Tract--Making-the-Grade_p_299.html
4. Jesus is the Sinner's Savior:  http://www.tractplanet.com/Custom-Tract--Repent_p_399.html
5. Paid In Full:  http://www.tractplanet.com/Custom-Tract--Paid_p_418.html
*These tracts can be customized and translated.

Sermon for futher consideration: (Audio) Why Share My Faith? ~John Fonville, Paramount Church, Proclaim Radio:  http://player.subsplash.com/42jvxky

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