Saturday, September 9, 2017

Dear Younger Self....Love, Gay

Dear Younger Self....Love, Gay

Impatience and trigger-finger decisions will be a great downfall for you. You have to realize that is your nature because of your lack of nurture, but that can’t be an excuse; it’s just a fact. Start young fighting against these two trouble-makers. Against all odds, you will not have the despicable trait of blaming everyone else for your errors. This is a good thing. Taking responsibility for following your nature will be a blessing that you won’t even recognize until much later in life. This will make you stronger, and you will need a lot of strength to overcome the obstacles that will be coming at you from the right and the left; from the east and the west. Face them and maintain your integrity, because it is more precious than gold.

I appreciate Gay's frankness with her younger self, and her sense of personal responsibility for attitudes and choices made.

As younger women, we can learn from these words of wisdom and from Gay's testimony. As daughters of God, those accepted in the Beloved, bought by the precious life of Jesus and set apart by the Spirit, we can lean on Him for wisdom and understanding. By His grace we can commit our ways to Him and ask Him for self-control, temperance and patience. The choices that we make, have repercussions, but we have a loving Father who sets our feet upon a rock and leads us in the way everlasting. ...All for the glory of Jesus our Savior. 


  1. Thanks for posting, Marissa. All my life is simply 'by the grace of God'. I hope my observations will help some others. With all the stumbling and bad decisions in my life, I was never abandoned by my Lord, even when I was totally unaware of Him. He is faithful and forgiving and will complete the work that He begins in His children.

    1. Praising the Father with you, GG! Solus Christus! Soli Deo Gloria!
