Saturday, September 2, 2017

Dear Younger Self....Love, Cindy S.

This week’s Titus 2 wisdom comes to us from Cindy S. 
Her advice to her younger self would be:

1.  Keep, Christ as the center of your home and family

2. Make your home a sanctuary away from the world so that when your husband/children enter it, they feel peace and comfort from the pressures of a godless world

3. Except for cases of an immediate and pressing need, ensure that your primary ministry is to your husband and family. I remember making four course meals for new moms over a period of 6 months, (2-3 meals a week) only to serve my own family waffles!

4. Always desire to show the love of Christ to your husband/children as a witness of the gospel to them and to others...remember, someone is always watching!

5.  Always remember that you are in different times and seasons as your family grows and that God has you where He wants you for a reason

6.  If you say "yes" to one thing, you are necessarily saying "no" to everything else, therefore be careful what you commit a good steward of your time and resources

7.  No matter your trials, live your life keeping your eyes focused on the eternal! God is sanctifying you!

8.  Seek to glorify God in all things...even toilet scrubbing!! Do all things to His glory as an act of worship

9.  Live your life so as to leave a testimony of a life dedicated to Christ. I always ask myself, "how do I want my children to remember me?"

10.  Always have a heart of thanksgiving and gratitude

11. Be watchful and waiting for our Lord's return, and live in light of it

I love Cindy's heart for Biblical priorities. I have given very similar counsel to friends and clients, myself. Recognize that your family is your primary ministry. And seek to live in accordance with the grace you have been given. That is the key. When we intentionally remember the great love that the Father has bestowed upon us through Jesus the Son, it fills our hearts and is evidenced in love for others. He lived, died, was buried and rose again for us, and lives to make intercession for us. What good news to spur us on to live and love well.

Let's remember to make the main thing the main thing, and His wisdom to be our own in our relationships with family, church, community and the world we live in, with the gospel in mind.... All for the glory of Jesus. Solus Christus. 

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