Thursday, September 7, 2017


Nancy Guthrie, in her book The Wisdom of God writes, "Wisdom from God is not a mysterious thing that is revealed to us in a secret experience of the heart. It is revealed to us in a Bible experience in which our minds are renewed and our hearts are cleansed."

It is God Himself, Who sent His One and Only Son to sacrifice Himself for us, and sent His Spirit to open our minds and hearts to His Word. And He uses His Word to wash our minds and cleanse our ways. He changes our hearts, molds our desires and spurs us on to Christ-honoring love for God and neighbor. He guides us and enables us to walk in His ways...
and His wisdom, so that we can resist and flee from temptation.

Today as you spend time meditating on His Word, fix your eyes on Jesus, Who is "God-given wisdom for us—our righteousness, sanctificationand redemption" (I Cor. 1:30).

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