The following article contains a historical perspective and evidence of John Piper's rejection of the Covenant of Works, resulting in his faulty conclusions regarding Sola Fide. It helps us untangle exactly where he stands, and who were his influences. In spite of quoting great Reformers, Piper's view confusing Law and Gospel is at least a tangent to Rome and a neonomian error.
Read about Piper's history and affiliations here:
Michael Brown reminds us of the importance of properly understanding Covenant Theology as it relates to the gospel: "covenant theology provides us with the deepest comfort as we learn that God accepts us not on the basis of our covenant faithfulness but on the basis of Christ’s. It sweetens our fellowship with the Father as we come to know of his oath and promises to us, promises that are yes and amen through the Mediator of the new covenant." (Source: ). It is the way of understanding God's plan of Redemption in spite our fallenness in our Federal Head, Adam, through the imputation of the active and passive obedience of Jesus, the better Adam, in His life, death, burial and resurrection. May the Lord help John Piper and his followers come to a better understanding of these significant doctrines. And may the Lord continue to protect and preserve us from erroneous teaching.
For more on the history and connections related to Piper's errors, see:
For more info on Federal Vision theology, see:
It is sad that many Christians blindy follow John Piper just because he is a celebrity pastor. Thank you for warning us about this Gospel Gal.