Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Gospel Hope for Sinning Christians: CCC Discover

The problem I see daily among evangelical friends, is that sinning Christians are reinforced in NOT trusting the Christ Who bought them, because they still sin. No assurance. Constant naval gazing and doubt. That persepective needs to change. That is not sanctification. That is accusation, and a lack of faith. Faith looks back to Christ constantly as our Hope, our Security, our Righteousness, our Sanctification, our Mediator, our Advocate, our Redeemer.

This is exactly what sinning Christians need to hear. When we hear a message of condemnation and endless naval gazing, we never change. We need to know what HE

thinks and what HE is doing for us, in spite of us. THAT is restorative. THAT is gospel hope.

Read this excellent article from CCC Discover: 
4 Things to Remember after You Have Sinned
"Let faith look on Christ in the gospel as he is set forth dying and crucified for us. Look on him under the weight of our sins, praying, bleeding, dying; bring him in that condition into thy heart by faith; apply his blood so shed to thy corruptions; do this daily ... The Spirit alone brings the cross of Christ into our hearts with its sin-killing power” ~John Owen

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