Thursday, November 30, 2017

Our Faithfulness: John Fonville

3 But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen and protect you from the evil one. 4 We have confidence *in the Lord* concerning you, that you are doing and will continue to do what we command. 5 May the Lord direct your hearts *into the love of God* and *into the steadfastness of Christ*. ~II Thessalonians 3 

"If you're going to obey God's commands,
if you're to live a life of faithfulness, 
you first have to receive assurance of God's
faithful protection. He (Paul) is going to discipline these disorderly believers. So, how does he, quote, "straighten them out"? Does he whip them with the Law? Does he crush their conscience? Does he get them scared that if they're not faithful, they won't have final salvation, as some popular  evangelical preachers are teaching us in our day? No. He first assures the entire church, the disorderly and the orderly. He assures them all of the Lord's faithfulness to protect them from the evil one. Before  you can truly obey, you must be assured that the Lord is strengthening and protecting you from all evil. He is strengthening and protecting you from everything that would seek to destroy your
Christian life. He's doing it right now.

...Our faithulness is nurtured in the soil of God's faithfulness for us."  
~John Fonville
To hear the full sermon, "2 Thessalonians: Praying for the Gospel, Part 4, go to: "…/2-thessalonians:-praying-f…
Courtesy of Paramount Church