Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Thoughts on the Judgment: Assurance for the Chosen Ones

With all the recent speculation regarding sola fide and "final salvation" a Scriptural look at the judgment is necessary for the assurance of the Christian. Christ's work has once and forever satisfied for all my sin. His imputed active and passive obedience eternally secured my right standing with God. There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8).  There is only one salvation (justification) and Jesus paid it all.

Call to memory Heidelberg Q & A 52 and be comforted, chosen ones...
Q.How does Christ’s return
“to judge the living and the dead”

comfort you?

A.In all distress and persecution,
with uplifted head,
I confidently await the very judge
who has already offered himself to the judgment of God
in my place and removed the whole curse from me.1
Christ will cast all his enemies and mine
into everlasting condemnation,
but will take me and all his chosen ones
to himself
into the joy and glory of heaven.2
1 Luke 21:28Rom. 8:22-25Phil. 3:20-21Tit. 2:13-14
2 Matt. 25:31-462 Thess. 1:6-10

And hear Calvin's assuring words: 
“If we do not yet do the good that we will, but the evil oftentimes pushes us, and there may be many failures, or perhaps we may be too slow to do good, let us look at what the Son of God suffered in order to make reparation for all our faults. Let us notice how He fought in such a way that there was no contradiction in Him when our crimes and sins were imputed to Him... Let us see, then, how our Lord Jesus has made satisfaction in everything and for everything, but we today, although having taken the trouble to obey God, are not able to succeed, but we always droop our wings, must constantly repeat this: that we know that we shall not cease to be acceptable to God and that our imperfections will always be abolished by the obedience of our Lord Jesus Christ, so that *they will not come into account before God.*"

For more on this subject listen:
Start around minute 1:03: Scott Clark: 
Salvation by Grace Alone, Through Faith Alone:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIlrSyMWEr4

John Fonville: Sola Fide: Our Only Instrument:  

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