Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Who To Follow

We often have Friday night fellowshp at our home. One Friday, part of the conversation was around how to go about determining who is a good teacher and who to believe. With so many voices in the evangelical and Christian world, it can be difficult to determine who's right and who's wrong. Here are some things I have learned over the years, and some things I have put into practice. 

1. Don't follow personalities. Follow who is teaching the Gospel, clearly and persistently.
2. Don't trust everyone. Follow those with a true desire to nurture and protect Christ's sheep, doctrinally and practically over time.
3. If it's new, it's probably wrong. Trace the teaching back and back and back. The Lord has preserved His truth from generation to generation, back to the time when Scripture was being penned.

With those things in mind as you study and read, I believe you will be encouraged, growing, and strengthened in your faith.

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