Tuesday, March 24, 2020


"The usual response to atrocity is to try to remove it from the mind. Those who have been traumatized want to flee the memory of its occurrence, and we who hear find that we want to flee also." ~Diane Langberg, Ph. D. Diane is a Christian Psychologist with over 40 years of experience working with victims/survivors of trauma, macro and micro. I like to hear her perspectives on abuse, because she always advocates for the survivor. She always looks for Biblical justice and she always tries to bring the Lord's perspective into view. It is important to talk about what happened with someone who can express care, belief and empathy. It is freeing and relieving to speak to a trusted friend, counselor, pastor or priest about our pain. I know that when I was in crisis, struggling with a deep spiritual
depression a decade ago, my friend was my lifeline. She listened, supported, stood with me, sat with me, cried with me, believed me, invited me, assured me of her own love and of Jesus' steadfast, unfailing mercy and grace. I am eternally grateful for her. As amazing as she was, she was a vessel of God's grace to me. It was He, Who truly supported me in the midst of my own self-made trauma. What an amazing Advocate and Friend we have in Christ.
*He never leaves or forsakes us. (Heb. 13:5) *Nothing can separate us from His love: not even we, ourselves (Romans 8:39) *He is faithful and true. (Revelation 3:14) *His mercy endures forever. (Psalm 107:1) *He cares for you. (I Peter 5:7) In this time of trial, we are globally facing hardship, uncertainty, pain, and even trauma, but we have a Savior who is with us in the midst of it and cares deeply. Cling to Him. He is clinging to you. Even in the isolation of social distancing, He is near. For Morning Reflection: VCV

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