Tuesday, April 20, 2021


"Can a leopard change its spots?" The prophet's question has an obvious answer.  Like a leopard, we are unable to
change who and what we are. We rely on God's monergistic work for us and in us to produce true and lasting change. First, He provides salvation outside of us by the redeeming and justifying work of Christ, in His life, lived obediently in our place and His substitutionary death for our sins. Then He calls us to Himself by the Spirit through the preaching of the Gospel, and we are regenerated as spiritual life is breathed into us. We are then sanctified in a lifelong process whereby we are changed from the inside out. This sanctification is not something we do to ourselves, but as the Divines state, it is the "work of God's free grace..." (Westminster Shorter Catechism 35). We are not totally transformed or conformed to the image of Christ instantaneously but in the course of a lifetime of hearing the Word and receiving the sacraments. Then, at last, He glorifies us, just as He glorified the Son because He conquered sin and death by His life, death, and resurrection. All of this work is God's redeeming grace. And all glory is due to His name for what He has worked for us, accomplished in place of us, is performing in us, and will perfect within and outside of us. Salvation...the whole package is of the Lord. 

"I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." ~Philippians 1:6

Resources on this topic: 

*The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification: Walter Marshall: 

*The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification: John Fonville: Sermon Series: https://www.paramountchurch.com/sermons/series/the-gospel-mystery-of-sanctification

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