Monday, August 2, 2021

Meditation Monday #2: Adoption: We Are Family: August 2, 2021

Meditation Monday #2 with Marissa & Joy: 
Adoption: We are Family

Joy suggested that we discuss one of her favorite Q's & A's from the Heidelberg Catechism for this week's Meditation Monday devotion. So, we'll look at Heidelberg 26, throw in some

wisdom from Zacharius Ursinus and JI Packer, and then just dwell on the goodness of God the Father demonstrated in our adoption into His family as His own beloved children. Enjoy this 10-minute devotion on Youtube: 

Youtube link to Meditation Monday, here:

See also this sermon from Paramount Church's Michael Sundberg on a related topic. Sermon starts around minute 31:

Gospel Blessings! 

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