Thursday, August 19, 2021

Thirsty Thursday: "The Comforter"

Youtube episode here:

Both the Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” Anyone who hears should say, “Come!” And the one who is 
thirsty should come. Whoever desires should take the living water as a gift.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Here is a good word on this Thirsty Thursday from my Facebook friend, Pastor Tony Phelps: 

"The word "counselor" shows us how we should think of the Holy Spirit. A counselor is not a lawgiver... No, a counselor fills a troubled heart with joy toward God. A counselor encourages us to be happy that our sins have been forgiven, death has been conquered, heaven has been opened, and God is smiling upon us. Whoever understands what it means for the Spirit to be our Counselor will have already won the battle. That person will find nothing but pure comfort and joy in heaven and on earth. Because the Father is the one who sends him to help us, and because Christ is the one who asks him to do so, this sending is certainly not done out of anger. Instead, it flows from a fatherly, heartfelt love. So Christians should remind themselves of this name for the Holy Spirit. He is a counselor, and we are the troubled and timid ones he helps." #MartinLutherReformer

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