So please dear Elizabeth, learn to understand God's Word better, so that you do not regard Jesus as another Moses. By this I mean, that you will not treat our Advocate and Savior as an accuser and condemner, which is the greatest dishonor with which people can dishonor Jesus""
-Petrus Dathenus (The Pearl of Christian Comfort)
"Elizabeth: But now dear brother, please tell me, what purpose would this ability to distinguish between Law & Gospel serve?
Dathenus: It will serve to comfort and strengthen you by faith in Jesus Christ, and by the aforementioned gospel promises, quiet and overcome the anxiety of your conscience which is troubled by the killing letter of the law" - Petrus Dathenus (The Pearl of Christian Comfort)
"Dear Christian, the Gospel is for you. The forgiveness of sins is for you. Jesus, and His death and resurrection, His mercy and grace, His undeserved kindness are still for you, today and always. Your life is hidden with God in Christ, and it is His lavish love and kindness, not your obedience and commitment, that make a Christian life" - Bryan Wolfmueller (Has American Christianity Failed?)
"Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters, and he who has no money, come buy and eat! Come buy wine and milk without money and without price. Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread, and your labor for that which does not satisfy? Listen diligently to me and eat what is good, and delight yourselves in rich food, incline your ear, and come to me. Hear that your soul may live; and I will make with you an everlasting covenant, my steadfast, sure love for David" (Isaiah 55:1-3)
I have spent some considerable time reflecting on my journey into Reformation Theology and specifically understanding more of the distinction between the law and gospel. I am honestly so thankful for it. Without it I would have persisted in believing that the Lord was disappointed in me and that He merely tolerated me. What sad and soul crushing lies to believe! Over the past three years the dark clouds of suspicion and fear that have surrounded the Lord's favor and kindness have dissipated. I have come to believe that the Gospel is meant not only to be believed, but also to be cherished as a gift specifically for my enjoyment. Beloved saints, the Gospel is also meant for you to enjoy as well.
What is the Law & Gospel Distinction?
Before getting into why this distinction is so important, consider Theodore Beza's conclusions on the differences between the two:
"The Law lays bare to us the majesty and justice of God (Heb. 12:18-21). The Gospel sets forth this same justice to us, but there it is pacified and satisfied manifested in Christ (Heb. 12: 22-24)"
"The Law sends us to ourselves in order to accomplish the righteousness which it commands us, that is to say, the perfect obedience to its commandments, which is necessary in order to escape guilt. But the gospel teaches us where we shall find what we do not have and, having found it, how we shall be able to enjoy it. "
- Excerpts from The Law & Gospel
The Law is everything that God has required of us. It is perfect and holy and displays the righteousness that God has and what is expected of us to keep as His image bearers. It is exacting and offers no escape if it is broken. It promises eternal life to those who can conform to it perfectly, personally, and perpetually and eternal condemnation to those who break it.
The Gospel is a promise. The Gospel gives what the Law requires. It is specifically the person and work of Christ. In the Gospel we see that Christ was born of a woman in human flesh. We see that He lived perfectly, perpetually, and personally in conformity to God's will. We see that Christ died on the cross paying the penalty and guilt for our law-breaking by satisfying the Father's wrath. We see that He was buried and raised for our justification. The Gospel declares that Christ ascended to Heaven where He intercedes for us. The Gospel grants us access to the Father by way of our perfect Mediator, the Lord Jesus Christ, who has provided us with all things necessary for life and godliness. The Gospel comes to us by way of faith alone in Christ alone, and with faith's empty hands, we receive Christ and all of His benefits, which include justification, sanctification, redemption, and glorification.
The Law & Gospel distinction is the key to enjoying the Gospel
Why does this distinction matter? Simply because if we get it wrong, the gospel in all of its glory and sweetness can never be enjoyed to the fullest extent. It means that we can never love God and enjoy Him forever the way we are commanded. What other way can we possibly do that if not through Christ our Mediator, Savior, and King? How can we continue to fight against sin with a good and free conscience if we are harboring a suspicion that we are secretly under the curse & wrath of God?
When we do not understand the distinction between the law & gospel, we turn to our own ability to keep the law to pacify our afflicted consciences, rather than fleeing to Christ as the only provision for sin's condemnation, and the righteousness needed to withstand judgement. Confusing the two creates a dark cloud of suspicion that obscures the kindness and pardoning favor of God in Christ. When we confuse the law and gospel we are damned either to despair or self-righteousness.
Enjoying the Gospel
What I have come to enjoy in learning of this distinction, is that for the rest of my life despite my failed attempts to obedience, I know that the Lord is in my corner. I have the joy and pleasure of looking freely into the face of Christ and being met with nothing but grace and mercy. I have the confidence and security in knowing that the Lord will never leave me or forsake me in my sin, that He will bring into completion the image of Christ in me that has already been imparted to me by faith. I enjoy the fresh motivation to keep believing and trusting in Christ and to love my neighbors.
With each encounter with the Gospel, my gratitude and love for God increases because I know that I have been forgiven of so much. Through the Gospel, I know that Christ's life has become my obedience and righteousness. His death has become my acquittal. I know that His resurrection and victory over sin has become mine. I know that although I may not fully enjoy the fullness of all these benefits, they are coming soon with Christ's second coming. I know that I can look forward to that day with confidence and not with fear because Christ has already submitted Himself to judgment in my place. In this world there are many circumstances that we can fear. Yet one thing we need not add is the condemnation of the law. One thing we can freely enjoy now is the sure promise that one day we will appear before the throne of God clothed in the righteousness and obedience of our Savior and Redeemer. The appeal for living in obedience to God is in reckoning ourselves dead to sin and alive to God because Christ lived for us, Christ died for us, Christ was raised for our justification and is now interceding for us.
Beloved saints, learn of this distinction. Surround yourselves with people and materials that proclaim the Gospel over you and to you frequently. Receive, rest, and partake of the good things that Christ our Savior has purchased for you. Christ is for you. I guarantee you will not regret it.
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Gospel Gal Intro and Statement of Purpose
I am Marissa Namirr, Gospel Gal. I live and work in North Florida and the Atlanta Suburbs (updated 7/16/2022). I am the wife of Mark, m...
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I am Marissa Namirr, Gospel Gal. I live and work in North Florida and the Atlanta Suburbs (updated 7/16/2022). I am the wife of Mark, m...
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