Friday, September 24, 2021

Summer, Sanctification, and our Serpent-Crusher

Social media has its benefits. I've been incredibly blessed as a result of forming relationships there. But the propagation and *belief of this ignorance is alarming. The woman who wrote this post influences and teaches thousands of women. She clearly has no idea that that verse is about the promised seed of Eve (Genesis 3:15). Regarding her post, there are a few things I hope my social media friends will take away.

The verse is misinterpreted by the woman posting. Being saved through child-bearing is a reference to Genesis 3:15-16. The promised Seed of Eve, the Serpent Crusher is our salvation, not our own spawn.

The way we're sanctified is not our obedience. Obedience is the result of our sanctification. See Westminster Shorter Catechism 35. Sanctification is the work of God's grace. Being conformed to His image and the outworking of that is the result.

Childbearing is a common-grace gift. It is not the cause of sanctification, nor is it the fruit of
salvation. Pagans have kids too and are blessed to have them. 

Good works are a gift of grace, not meritorious. See Heidelberg Catechism 63.

Bearing children is not good works. Again, children are common-grace blessings.

No woman should feel as though she is a lesser citizen of in Christ's kingdom. See Heidelberg catechism Lord's Day 12. We are prophets, priests and kings, just as our brothers in Christ, not because we've earned that station, but by His anointing of us. If you want to know the primary vocation of *every Christian, read I Peter. We are called to declare the excellencies of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. He is amazing. And all of our hope and confidence is in Him alone. Not our works, not our babies, not our ability to be perfect in the process.

Eyes on Him. Fixed. Lead others to the Water. Drink freely.

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