Monday, June 20, 2022

Road Trips

One of the great things about long road trips is having the opportunity to talk on the phone and listen to podcasts. Yesterday I listened to about five hours of podcasts. All of them were so rich and encouraging. 

I'll try to post more, but one that stands out was from Dennis Johnson discussing Christ-Centered, Redemptive-Historic hermeneutics. Far from being just academic, this understanding shapes, forms, and transforms the way regular Christians read Scripture. Without this understanding, the Bible can become disjointed and we can veer off into error. But with a Christ-Centered hermeneutic, we read Scripture the way the Apostles taught it and the way Jesus explained it. Moreover, it keeps our gaze on Christ, who loved us and gave Himself for us. Make some time to listen. This is so helpful.

1. Dennis Johnson Reading the Scriptures Like Peter and Paul Lecture:

The next one that was so beneficial was by Hywel Jones on Justification and Sanctification. He discusses the distinctions and necessity of understanding both as they apply to our salvation and pursuit of holiness. Great remarks: "'Nothing in my hands I bring. Simply to the cross I cling.' Have you ever tried clinging with something in your hand?" "Forget freedom and you're on the road to legalism. Forget fulfillment and you're on the road to antinomianism." Listen to this clarifying message. 

2. Justification and Sanctification by Hywel Jones:

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