Saturday, November 19, 2022

Identity and a PCA Church Departure

As I sat reading Clark's article "PCA News: Memorial Pres Leaves The PCA. Pastor To Follow?" this afternoon, I was moved to write my thoughts. 

My position on the issues that led to the departure is somewhat moderate in comparison to some of the opinions I have heard from others, including ministers of the Gospel. I believe that there are some sins that we, as regenerate Christians, may struggle with for a lifetime. I don't think there is any sin that is beneath any Christian and the minute one thinks that sin *is beneath them, I wouldn't be surprised if a serious fall is coming... If a man thinks he stands, he should take heed, lest he fall.

But to be clear I *do not believe as Johnson is stated to have affirmed, that this specific sin is so inherently part of a Christian's nature, that it will never be affected by salvation/sanctification, in this life. In a world of identity politics, this is where I stand. I do not believe that because we have proclivities to certain sins, that is *who we are. A Christian is what God has created Him to be. He has worked, is working, and will work in the life of *all His people to set them free from whatever vices plague them. "And such were some of you, ***but you were washed." I Cor. 6. Brothers and sisters in Christ, *you are not your sin. You are His beloved ones being transformed and set free. Thanks be to God. He is mighty to save us from ourselves.

All that being said, I think it is wise that Memorial has exited the PCA. I am a former PCA member, and this issue was haunting to me as I watched it play out at REVOICE, and as I spoke to people on both sides of the issue. It always troubles me when pastors and churches remain in denominations that clearly oppose the standards of the denomination. It strikes me each time I hear of a situation in which that happens that there is a false motive involved, including moving and shaking that denomination. I don't think that is a loving place to stand. If there is an issue of strong conviction, and the organization you've joined hands with is opposed to it, the right thing to do is leave. Find shelter elsewhere. In this case it is a position on same-sex attraction, and not just attraction, but the way salvation relates to that particular sin. There would be no consensus here. This departure is good news, in my opinion.

May the Lord show His great kindness to the congregation of Memorial Pres in bringing about true repentance. And may God grant the churches of the PCA wisdom and kindness as they deal with those struggling with various kinds of besetting sins.

You can read Scott Clark's article, here:

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