Tuesday, December 27, 2022

The Husband is Not Christ

The prophets, priests, and kings of the Old Testament were types and shadows of the 
coming Messiah. Jesus Christ is that perfect prophet, priest, and king. Read how the Reformers saw Him. Heidelberg Catechism 31 is very explicit on this.

Reading this anointing into the role of husband is a misuse and abuse of Scripture.

There is nothing in the New Testament that says a husband is the prophet, priest, and king over his household. The vocation of husband is a unique calling, in that he is called to love and serve his household as Christ loved and gave Himself for his bride, the Church.

What we are told, explicitly is that wives are to honor their husbands. And that children are to obey their parents. There is nothing novel about this. But when a husband, church, or movement makes the role of husband into more than it actually is, you lose the whole beauty of the relationship.

Jesus is our great Prophet, Priest, and King. And as such provides us with the ultimate revelation, sacrifice, and preservation of our redemption.

When we lose sight of these benefits, attributing them to a man, we create an idol. 
Don't idolize marriage. And do not idolize the vocation of husband. Let it be what it is designed to be... A loving union in which two people honor and cherish one another for their mutual happiness and good.

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