Tuesday, July 13, 2021

A Facebook Graphic and Thoughts on the Church

As I read this graphic this morning, I had a few thoughts. 
It saddened me, because I think it is the reason why the evangelical culture is so malnourished. It is inconsistent with the teaching of Scripture and Reformation teaching on the church.

First, agreement: A Christian can, and is to praise the Lord at all times, not just at church, and we do so as a result of knowing His love for us. That love produces gratitude in us and flows out of us toward God and neighbor.

How do we get there, is the concern.

We receive *from Him in the *corporate gathering in the primary means of grace: Word (Preaching of the Gospel and Sacrament:

Visible Demonstrations of the truth of the Gospel). You cannot get those driving the car, having a coffee, a conversation with a friend, a shower, etc.

We receive Him in the means He has ordained. If we're not receiving His ordained means, we lack what He has to give and can give to no one. The Church is *both a people *and a place. Go there to get fed, and from there go out to love God and neighbor.
For more on this topic:
* Corporate gathering: https://gospelgalblog.blogspot.com/2017/07/last-night-as-i-was-anticipating-lords.html