Speak Tenderly to Jerusalem...
Marissa Namirr, Gospel Gal
The Gospel call is both external (the call issued by God's people to their neighbors to hear and believe the gospel), and internal (the effectual call issued by God that effectually brings them from a state of spiritual death to life; Lazarus being raised from the dead is an example; John 11). The call is always the same, and it is always good. It is a clarion call, a victory cry, and a glorious announcement that Jesus conquered sin and the grave, by His life, death, burial, and resurrection for sinners.
But for many of us, the message we heard was not so clear. The gospel was distorted. We heard the message that the gospel is something we do. More doing. Less resting. More demands. Less trusting. But the message of the gospel is not "do". It is "done". It is the grandest theme in all of history, but the simplest truth that even a child can grasp: Jesus WON! He fulfilled His incarnate mission: to save His people from their sins. This gospel is the power of God unto salvation to sinners like you and me.
RC Sproul said: "Being justified, we have peace with God. We have heard and received thegospel. We have heard the clarion call of God. Comfort, yes, comfort My people! … Speak comfort to Jerusalem, and cry out to her, That her warfare is ended, That her iniquity is pardoned' (Isa. 40:1-2). The worst holocaust of history is the war between a holy God and His rebellious creatures. For the Christian that war is over, once and for all."
Never were there words so loving and tender, so glorious and wonderful than the words that communicate to us our salvation. This is the gospel, and it is glorious! Meditate on it. Know it. Live in it. Love it. Proclaim it.
Sproul quote: https://www.monergism.com/fruit-spirit-r-c-sproul
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